How to do leg extension workout at home?

Leg extension workout is a great way to strengthen the legs most effectively. However, many people struggle with this workout due to a lack of equipment or space for exercising at home. Fortunately, there are some ways of doing leg extension workout that are very simple and can be used by anyone in order to achieve the best results.


How to do leg extension workout at home:


  1. Find a comfortable chair, desk, or standing position. This can be adjusted based on the person’s height and ability.


  1. Sit up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. If you are not relaxed, your body will want to compensate by leaning forward and rounding your back which is not the best way to perform this exercise correctly.


  1. Flex your elbows and pull your shoulders back as if you are trying to touch the ceiling with them.


  1. Inhale and at the same time, lift your legs straight up off of the floor to where your body forms a straight line again. Ideally, you should form a straight line from your feet all the way to the top of your head [but this is not always possible].


  1. After a slight pause, lower back down below parallel to the ground and repeat.


  1. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can without tiring out. If your knees start to feel sore, then it’s time to stop, otherwise keep going.


Top 5 leg extension workouts to try at home:


  1. Seated leg extension;


The leg extension machine is used by sitting in a chair and positioning your foot so that it is about 5-6.5 inches off the ground and roughly right where your toe meets the ball of your foot. To accomplish this, you want to put your knees together, bend at the waist, and lower your heels as close to the floor as possible while still keeping them together. This will support you while you perform the exercise.



  1. Standing leg extension;



This is an intermediate leg extension workout and it uses the same principles as the seated leg extension. However, instead of using a chair to lean against, you will be using a wall. This is done by placing your body perpendicular to the wall so that your back and head are supported by it while still keeping your heels on the ground.



  1. Bent knee leg extension;


This is a very effective leg extension workout that requires a chair or countertop for support. It is actually quite similar to the seated leg extension except that instead of sitting, you are bending your knees in order to lower yourself towards the ground. This increases the muscle tension in your legs and works them harder while also improving balance. The person performing this exercise can also intensify it by lifting their heels off of the ground as they concentrate on squeezing their glutes.



  1. Kettle bell leg extension;


This type of leg extension workout can be performed with a single kettle bell or a pair of them. It involves lifting the kettle bells straight up into the air towards the ceiling while standing on your tiptoes which will make it an intermediate to advanced leg extension workout depending on how many repetitions you do. It will also work your calves and glutes while also increasing your grip strength.





This is a very effective way to strengthen your legs without any added equipment or space. It’s also a very simple form of leg extension workout that can be easily adapted to the specific needs of the person exercising.

They are simple exercises that do not require a lot of equipment and space can be done at home to strengthen the legs which is a great way to train for people who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the gym.

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