4 Exercises to Make Your Lower Limbs Stronger!

Everyone may exercise chest muscles and abs during exercise.

In fact, the muscles of the lower body are the largest muscles in the whole body. After training, all aspects of the body’s ability will be fully improved.

Here are 4 recommended exercises to improve your leg strength.

If you are not training for a long time, be sure to fully warm up and choose a weight that suits you.

Upside Down Machine

Can train the muscles of the thigh and hips.

Adjust the pedal to the weight suitable for you, sit on the inverted pedal machine, bend your legs first, so that your feet can rest on the pedal of the inverted pedal machine, adjust the posture. Take a deep breath and kick your legs hard until our legs are straight, and then we slowly retract.

You must balance your body when doing this, and never tilt your body.


Barbell Back Neck Squat

The barbell squat exercises the quadriceps femoris at the front of the thigh and the biceps femoris at the back of the thigh, followed by the hip muscles.

Raise your head, straight your chest and your back, separate your feet with the same shoulder width. After the scapular contraction, place the horizontal bar on the raised trapezius and deltoid muscles, and cushion with sponges, towels, etc .; hold the bar with both hands for stability. Then, like doing a free squat, bend your hips and then your knees to sink slowly.


Barbell Foreneck Squat

Regular neck squats can strengthen the quadriceps, strengthen core strength, and have less pressure on the back and knees.

For safety reasons, you can also use a squat rack to complete the movement. Lean the barbell against the top of the deltoid muscle, grab the bar with your arms crossed, then bend your hips and then your knees to do squats.

Dumbbell Lunge Squat

The target exercise area for dumbbell lunge squat is mainly quadriceps, which also has an exercise effect on the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris and calf muscle groups.

Hold the bell with both hands, with your feet standing at the same width as your hips, looking forward, and keeping your chest tight and your abdomen tight, keeping your body balanced and not swinging left or right.

Take one step backwards, squat the front hips of the sinking hips so that the knee joint and the ankle joint are on the same vertical line, and the weight is evenly distributed on both legs.

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