We all know that keeping fit is very important to maintaining overall health. This rule is suitable for everybody: men and women, young and old. Especially for the ones who are over weight. It means that you need to pay more attention to be fitness. If you make your decision to start your journey to having a better body and feel great, we provide some tips here for you:

1.Eat the Right Foods

We can’t live without having food. Eating is the key reason which will affect our fitness. There is a saying: we are what we eat. So let’s eat the right food and be fitness. Then what should we do?
Having food: The foods are full of protein and healthy nutrients. Like Fruits, vegetables, lean meats(such as, shrimp, and tilapia.
Eat less the food like Sugar and fried food.

2.Exercise Daily

Try to keep doing exercise everyday. You don’t need to stick to high intensity and long time exercise. Just 30 minutes exercise with low-impact is OK. It is important to keep the state of exercise and form the habit. After that, you can increase your exercise intensity and time day by day. Be remember, the more often you exercise, the greater the benefits.

3.Be Creative
Sometimes you may feel that exercise is boring and want to quick. So it is also critical to make it interesting. For example, you can listen to music when doing exercise. Or see the movie when cycling at home. HARISON B1850 with iPad holder allows you to do that. Try more difference types of workout. Like Yoga, walking with a friend, aqua-aerobics and so on. Choose the comfortable yet challenging for your body and your fitness level.

4.Drink More Water

Water is making up about 60% of your body weight. If you get enough water, it will promote weight loss because it helps you feel full and help to burn more calories. Also it will clear skin by flushing out toxins, and help treat kidney stones. Keep a bottle of water beside you and start to drink more water.

5.Think comfort

Think the things in the positive way and stay in a good mood everyday. You will feel great and gain the more healthy body. Also wear comfortable, loose-fitting garments that will allow freedom of movement. If possible, wear cotton clothing as the natural fibers will allow your skin to breathe and ensure maximum comfort. Make sure your footwear is supportive and suitable to your choice of exercise.

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