Still upset by gas and bloating? Here are two easy ways to relieve it.

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I happened to review the classic Staxol commercial back in the day, and I was very impressed with the description of the bloated stomach segment in the commercial. A small person is seen constantly inflating a balloon in the stomach, so much so that the whole stomach keeps expanding, making people feel very uncomfortable. And this is also a common adverse symptom for many pregnant women during the process of conceiving life. When there is a new life in the stomach, the enlarged uterus will press on the stomach and intestines, affecting the digestive activities, which in turn will lead to symptoms such as flatulence.

01Manifestations of flatulence and its effects

A feeling of fullness and bloating in the abdomen before or after meals, as well as burping accompanied by a large amount of gas discharge, are specific manifestations of flatulence. In the early stage, it will lead to indigestion and loss of appetite. If not relieved in time, it will easily cause symptoms such as acid reflux, and in serious cases, it may lead to esophageal cancer and other malignant diseases.

02What can be done to improve

Due to the special body structure of pregnant mothers, the slow speed of gastrointestinal peristalsis can easily lead to indigestion, thus making them more susceptible to being targeted by this undesirable symptom. To get relief, it is best to do the following:


(1) Improve diet and drink more water

The root cause of flatulence formation is slow intestinal peristalsis and indigestion. Therefore, we can improve this symptom by changing our diet. Consume more fiber and avoid foods that tend to cause flatulence such as beans. Drink more warm boiled water after exercise or when resting. All of these can bring some relief to this symptom. Remember, never overeat. This will add to the already poor digestion of the stomach. If you are afraid that your infant is lacking in nutrients, you can supplement with a little more fruits and vegetables by eating smaller meals.

(2) Turn on the air conditioning to do a good job of abdominal warmth

If you choose to turn on the air conditioner in the summer to keep cool, make sure you do a good job of protecting your stomach. The stomach is a fairly sensitive part of the cool, don’t forget to cover it with a layer of protection, do a good job of keeping warm.


(3) appropriate exercise

If you want to effectively relieve the symptoms of flatulence, apart from drinking more water and improving your diet, you should also pair it with the right exercises to expel the flatulence from your stomach faster. Here are two simple exercises that you can do at any time when you are at home.

Pregnancy Yoga

Sit in a kneeling position so that your hips can sit between your legs and hold your hands toward the floor at the back of your body. To keep your body balanced. Slowly lay your body down. Lean back on a pillow. Adjust your body and choose a comfortable position to hold for 1 to 3 minutes.


Raise your arms above your head and hold your elbows together. Keep adjusting your breathing here. Hold for about three minutes. Slowly inhale and exhale. Relax both hands. Brace your hands on the floor and rise slowly. Straighten your feet, move your ankles and stretch your joints.


If you want to effectively improve this undesirable symptom, you can do the above measures!

Spring more sweet and less acid to raise a good stomach~

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Spring food is numerous, which is definitely a blessing for “foodies”, but in this variety of food, your stomach still hold up?

Spring temperature changes, gastric acid secretion increases, easy to induce gastritis or gastritis recurrence. Moreover, the spring liver qi rise, liver qi too strong may make the stomach and intestines digestion and absorption function decline, caused by gastrointestinal weakness and so on. So the spring diet to do “acid does not hurt the stomach, heat does not hurt the yin”, this time and eat too much oil, easy to cause indigestion, abdominal pain and bloating.

01Dietary rules

1. Reduce the intake of sour foods and increase the intake of sweet foods. Sourness enters the liver and sweetness enters the spleen. Sweet foods like yam and red dates help nourish the stomach and benefit the qi, while sour foods like hawthorn and oranges can encourage the liver qi to rise and stimulate the gastric mucous membrane cells to secrete gastric acid, which will make the stomach feel acidic and uncomfortable.


2, pay attention to the main food. Diet is one of the basic conditions of human life activities. Chinese medicine believes that: “five grains for nourishment”, staple food are generally rich in carbohydrates, can be converted into heat faster by the body to utilize, the weak stomach and intestines have a very good maintenance effect.

3, more vegetables and less meat. Vegetables in addition to help digestion, but also rich in minerals and vitamins, but also has the role of timely and smooth intestinal tract. Animal food meat in the fat content is more, not easy to digest, should eat less.


4, reduce salt intake, increase water intake. Eating more salt will reduce saliva secretion and aggravate the burden on the stomach. Drinking more water can ensure that the secretion of digestive juices need enough water to help digestion. At the same time, it is also conducive to defecation, the body’s garbage in a timely manner, to alleviate the damage caused by toxins on the stomach and intestines.

5, eat less greasy, cold food, meal selection should be biased towards light, warm and soft-based, spring gastrointestinal digestion and absorption capacity is weak, in order to nourish the stomach and intestines, it is not suitable to eat cold and greasy food, suitable for eating easily digestible light food.

02Great Tips for Preventing Gastrointestinal Disorders in Spring

Exercise can help improve the digestive function of the stomach and intestines, in the spring to regulate the stomach and intestines, but also to strengthen the exercise. Chinese medicine believes that the human spleen and stomach is the pivot of qi and blood operation, only the spleen and stomach to ensure the normal functioning of other organs. So the spring should pay attention to the spleen and stomach, in order to achieve the health of the five organs, the spirit of the purpose.

Exercise can often do limb rotation and other simple gymnastics exercises to strengthen the stomach transport function. Workers can use the sit-up exercise, every day up, before going to bed for 20 to 40 sit-up exercises. You can also lie on your back on the bed, with the palm around the navel clockwise rotation massage about 20. These small actions can play a very strong stomach effect.


Spring although there are a lot of food, but we should pay more attention, there are a lot of food gastrointestinal patients need to avoid eating, in normal times to pay more attention, do not crave it Oh ~!